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About PLP

People’s Labour Project is a cross-Canada group of labour organizers, workers, and supporters. We’re dedicated to helping workers build the confidence and the skills to win demands against bad bosses and out-of-touch employers. We believe in a world in which every job provides workers with a safe workplace and the compensation necessary to live a dignified life.

PLP uses methods of “deep organizing” — tactics that bring workers together to form strong and committed networks with each other. Our organizers understand this is the most effective way to fight for fair treatment and build a better life at work and in their neighbourhood.

Quick Intake

Workers who are struggling with unfair pay, overwork, disrespect from managers, or unsafe conditions on the job can contact PLP and connect with skilled volunteer organizers. Workers can get initial advice, information, and coaching on the steps to building a strong, democratic voice for all workers at their job.

Full Training

Workers committed to organizing and winning improvements in their workplace can join us for a multi-session training course on the methods of labour organizers. We cover the fundamentals of how to plan a union drive, connect with co-workers, and take collective action. PLP runs this training a handful of times a year, free for all workers. We encourage those interested to fill out the intake form above.

Drive Support

For workers who have already begun organizing, we can pair you with PLP organizers to support your union drive. That can mean research, solidarity, groundwork, or even helping connect you to a labour union that’s right for your workplace (and knowing what to expect from that relationship). Get in touch with us to learn more about support options.